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Our goal is to provide a community CONNECTION to important information and resources. LGS Recreation departments, programs and services have the unique opportunity to positively impact the community through intentional programming that stands to champion Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. LGS Recreation does not endorse, guarantee, represent, or warrant any of the agencies or information provided by a third party.

This page will continue to evolve to meet the needs of those we serve. Having trouble finding the resource you are looking for? We want to help, please fill out this form.

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College & Employment Assistance

Affordable Colleges
Designed for young adults aged 18-29, flexible programs combine virtual and in-person training to equip you with the skills needed for full-time employment. Affordable Colleges Website 

Year Up United
Affordable Colleges believes that no matter the barriers, you should find the learning option you need to secure your legacy. Explore the most affordable education, program rankings, and financial resources to make your next move.
Year Up United Website 

YES aims to teach youth and young adults ages 16-24 the skills needed to secure and maintain meaningful employment, and to offer programs that help young people improve their employability, career choices, and quality of life.YES serves as a bridge between young adults who are seeking employment and the local business community who are seeking capable and enthusiastic employees.
College & Employment Assistance Website 

Youth Employment Opportunity Program
The Youth Employment Opportunity Program (YEOP) helps at-risk youth between the ages of 15 and 25, achieve their educational and vocational goals through a variety of specialized services. YEOP specialists are peer advisors with similar experiences who work with youth as mentors and career coaches. They can provide referrals to supportive services, career coaching, employment preparation, and training.
Youth Employment Opportunity Program Website 

Housing Assistance

HomeFirst™ is a leading provider of services, shelter, and housing opportunities to the homeless and those at risk of homelessness in the Bay Area of California.

Transitional Housing Programs for Current and Former Foster Youth
The Transitional Housing Programs for Current and Former Foster Youth is a type of foster care placement for minors between the ages of 16 and 18 years old. The goal of THPP-M is to help participants emancipate successfully by providing a safe environment for youth, while learning skills that can promote self-sufficiency.
Transitional Housing Website 

United Way Bay Area
United Way Bay Area inspires and connects people to break the cycle of poverty in the bay area by supporting both the short-term needs and long-term systems change.
United Way Bay Area Website 


GLSEN works to ensure that LGBTQ students are able to learn and grow in a school environment free from bullying and harassment. Together we can transform our nation’s schools into the safe and affirming environment all youth deserve.
GLSEN Website 

LGBTQ Youth Space
For LGBTQ, questioning, and ally youth and young adults ages 13-25, living in Santa Clara County.
LGBTQ Youth Space Website 

PFLAG is the first and largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and their families. PFLAG’s network of hundreds of chapters and more than 325,000 members and supporters works to create a caring, just, and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.
PFLAG Website 

Trevor Project
The Trevor Project is the world’s largest suicide prevention and mental health organization for LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) young people.
Trevor Project Website 

Safe Zone Project
The Safe Zone Project is a free online resource for powerful and effective LGBTQ+ awareness and ally training workshops.
Safe Zone Website 

LGS Recreation

Programs and Services Through LGS Recreation
LGS Recreation provides public recreation programs as well as supplemental education and child care services for Los Gatos Union School District, Saratoga Union School District, and Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District. We encourage socialization, personal growth, physical activity, character building, and integrity development. We also provide volunteer, mentorship, intergenerational, and employment opportunities for Teens and Adults.
123 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95123

Stand Up Against Hate
Los Gatos Chamber Website
United Against Hate Website

Unity Day
Unity Day Website

Meals & Nutrition

House of Hope
Community food pantry and grocery pickup by appointment.
House of Hope Website 

No Kid Hungry
No Kid Hungry is a national campaign run by Share Our Strength, a nonprofit working to solve problems of hunger and poverty in the United States and around the world.
No Kid Hungry Website 

Second Harvest Food Bank
Living here is expensive, getting healthy food doesnt have to be.
Second Harvest Food Ban Website 

Stand Up for Kids Silicon Valley
A national non-profit organization dedicated to ending the cycle of youth homelessness and providing food access in local communities.
Stand Up for Kids Silicon Valley Website 

Mental Wellness

9-8-8 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Active Minds is dedicated to saving lives and to building stronger families and communities. Through education, research, advocacy, and a focus on young adults ages 14–25, Active Minds is opening up the conversation about mental health and creating lasting change in the way mental health is talked about, cared for, and valued in the United States.
9-8-8 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Website 

Allcove centers are designed with, by and for youth, with the wisdom that we all just need a moment to reset before we can move forward. They are places for youth to access a range of emotional, physical and social support services—on their own terms. Our approach is anchored in a model that focuses on meeting the evolving and unique needs of young people and those who support them. Each center uses this integrated approach with room to reflect the specific needs of local youth and community.
Allcove Website

BrightLife Kids
Brightline is the first behavioral health solution designed specifically to support children and families with whatever tough stuff they’re dealing with in their busy lives. With innovative technology, evidence-based care, and support for the whole family at every step, Brightline is transforming the care experience for families as we know it.
BrightLife Kids Website 

A nonprofit agency that partners with schools to provide professional mental health services to students in their academic setting.
CASSY Website 

CalHope can help reduce the stigma around challenges to mental well-being, build supportive environments, and expand the skills of adults and youth to identify and support young people in need of help.
CalHOPE Website 

California Youth Crisis Line
The California Youth Crisis Line (CYCL) operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week as the statewide emergency response system for youth (ages 12-24) and families in crisis. Professionally trained staff and volunteer counselors respond to 17,000 calls annually with crisis intervention counseling and resource referrals to service providers in the caller’s local community. We have access to more than 5,500 free or low-cost resources for youth and families across California.
California Youth Crisis Line Website 

Ditch the Label
Here to help young people aged 12-25 navigate the issues affecting them the most, from mental health and bullying to identity and relationships.
Ditch the Label Website 

The national Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) offers paractical experience, support, education, comfort, and understanding to anyone concerned about mental illness and their treatment in Santa Clara County. Call from 10am-6pm option 1, or option 4 for after-hour support.
NAMI Website 

SCC Behavioral Health Navigator Program
This new peer run program will help connect individuals and families to County and community resources, and guide them through the behavioral health system, ensuring that all community members have access to accurate and relevant information, linkage to services, and partnership navigating various support opportunities. When calling, use option 4.
SCC Behavioral Health Website 

Soluna App
The Soluna app provides confidential support for 13- to 25-year-olds in California. No cost. No pressure. Chat 1:1 with a professional coach, use interactive tools to destress, or explore quizzes, videos, forums, and more. Soluna is a free, safe and confidential program funded by California’s Department of Health Care Services
Soluna App Website 


Safe Routes to School
​Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Safe Routes to School strives to build a collaborative community to support students using alternative transportation (walking, biking, skating and scooting) to and from school with the goal to encourage lifelong healthy habits and create a more livable environment for the community.
Safe Routes to School Website 

Victim Support & Saftey/Anti-Bullying

AllTreament.com was created to provide a better user experience for finding substance abuse treatment based on treatment models, payment, insurance taken, length of treatment and your location. You may also find addiction treatment centers by the state that you would like to go to.  You will also have the ability to locate rehabs that will accept your your insurance plans; private, state and  governmental.

Kid Power International
Kidpower is the global nonprofit leader in personal safety education for all ages, teaching skills for strong relationships and the prevention of harm. Kid Power believes in working together with people of all backgrounds, beliefs, and walks of life on our shared common ground of teaching skills for safety, respect, confidence, and kindness for everyone, everywhere.
Kid Power International Website 

Love is Respect
The National Dating Abuse Helpline is the direct service provider behind loveisrespect.org, operating the 24/7 text, phone, and live chat services. The texting function of the Helpline allows for users to text the Helpline advocates 24 hours a day, seven days a week about anything ranging from questions about healthy dating to raising red flags about relationships. The Helpline’s peer advocates serve thousands of teens and young adults through the 24/7 phone service.
Love is Respect Website 

National Children’s Alliance
The primary goal of all National Children’s Alliance children’s advocacy centers (CAC) is to ensure that children disclosing abuse are not further victimized by the intervention systems designed to protect them. CACs are child-focused, facility-based programs with representatives from many disciplines working together to effectively investigate, prosecute, and treat child abuse.
National Children’s Alliance Website 

Nextdoor Solutions
Nextdoor Solutions mission is to mission is to end domestic violence in the moment and for all time! They strive for a community environment that breaks the silence, views and treats domestic violence and other forms of gender-based violence as unacceptable. Nextdoor believes in a community where there is accountability for those who harm, and where survivors and families have the support and resources to achieve the highest quality of life possible.
Nextdoor Solutions Website 

No Bully
No Bully aims to teach students how to use their power well with zero violence, zero hate and zero bullying.
No Bully Website 

Provides information from various government agencies on what bullying is, what cyberbullying is, who is at risk, and how you can prevent and respond to bullying.


LGS Recreation
Volunteers are an integral part of our community.  You bring an infusion of energy, leadership, skills and bright smiles while assisting our programs and town events. Volunteers often get back as much or more than they give through joy, spirit and personal satisfaction. Whether you’re interested in making a long-term commitment or just want to contribute periodically, we will help you find a way to make a difference at Los Gatos-Saratoga Recreation and in the community.
LGS Website 

Los Gatos Youth Commission
The Youth Commission is to foster and encourage civic and neighborhood pride and a sense of identity through the knowledge, understanding, and increased involvement of the Town’s youth in the Town’s present and future municipal affairs.
Los Gatos Youth Commission Website 

Saratoga Youth Advisory Committee
The Saratoga Youth Commission is comprised of eleven middle and high school residents who are appointed by the Saratoga City Council for two-year terms. As leaders of their community, the commissioner’s role is to serve as a liaison between the young citizens of Saratoga and the City Council. In addition, commissioners plan, promote and participate in community service, educational and fun activities for the City’s youth.
Saratoga Youth Advisory Committee Website 

Other Community Partners
There are many other community partners that contribute to the Town of Los Gatos and the City of Saratoga. These orginizations offer many volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Please review the list below and click on their link to learn more!
Lions Website
Rotary Website
Kiwanis Club Website
Los Gatos Masons Website

 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 

Emergency Phone: 9-1-1 

Non-Emergency Number: 408.354.8600 
 Online Reporting and Requests

 1601 S. De Anda Blvd., Cupertino, CA 95014 

Emergency Phone: 9-1-1 

Non-Emergency Number: 408.299.2311 
 Sheriff’s Office